援助 is from the federal and state government, as well as from Georgetown College. 确定资格 有效的FAFSA 需要完成吗.


在某些情况下,学校可以使用“专业判断”来重新评估学生的奖励和/或预期家庭贡献. Some examples include: loss of a job, 薪水减少, 家庭地位的变化, 不寻常的医疗费用, 等. If your family has endured one of these, 或者类似的困难, please contact the Financial 援助 Office at (电子邮件保护) or (502) 863-8027 for more information.

符合条件并选择住在校外的学生可能会获得经济奖励(来自机构资金)调整. 赌博导航所有网站大全学院是一所住宿学院,除了少数例外,所有学生都应该住在校园里.




  1. 学术资格: Specific GPAs are required to renew scholarships each year. Students have a full year in which to make the required average.
  2. 令人满意的学业进展


    To receive and to continue receiving financial aid, 学生必须符合以下财政援助满意的学业进步标准:

    • 定量: 作为全日制学生,每学期至少获得10个小时的大学学分, regardless of the number of hours attempted. This standard is pro-rated for part-time students. Please refer to the SAP hours chart for specific information about hours standards (This information is given by years enrolled; to determine the semester hours standard, divide the hours earned per year by two.在下列情况下,复读课程将计入学时:(1)学生取得及格成绩, and (2) the course has not been counted previously toward hours earned.
      • 第一年至少挣20个小时
      • 第二年至少挣40小时
      • 第三年至少工作60小时
      • Fourth year earn at least 80 hours
      • Fifth year earn at least 100 hours
    • 定性: 维持一个累积GPA标准,根据学生尝试的大学学分时间增加. Please refer to the SAP GPA chart for specific information about GPA standards.
      • 1-15学时尝试.6个累积绩点或以上
      • 16-30学时尝试.累积平均绩点7分或以上
      • 31-45学时尝试.8个累积绩点或以上
      • 46-60学时尝试.平均绩点9分或以上
      • 61 or more semester hours attempted: 2.0累积绩点
    • 最长时间范围: 曾尝试少于学生所宣布的学习计划所需学分的150%. (Federal regulations effective July 1, 2011年要求对所有学生进行评估,以确定他们是否能够在由于最大时间框架而失去援助之前获得预期的证书. 这被称为“速度推进”.")

你的学习进度将在整个学期和整个学位期间受到监控. 未能保持或超过上述标准可能会危及您未来的经济援助资格或导致您欠学校的资金. 

If you have failed to meet SAP, you have the right to submit an appeal. 学生可以制定学术计划,并在学术成功主任的批准下撰写SAP申诉信, and with the 财务规划 Office. 如果SAP上诉被批准, 该学生将被授予财务援助SAP试用状态,并将获得一份学术行动计划,该计划规定了某些条件和学术要求.  Upon acceptance of the academic plan of action, the student may receive financial aid for one to two additional terms.  SAP上诉批准程序尚未完成,在财务援助办公室收到学生的学术行动计划和SAP上诉信之前,不会颁发经济援助奖.

At the end of the next term, the student’s status will be re-evaluated.  在学生成功完成学术行动计划中规定的所有学期或满足SAP要求之前,下学期的联邦学生援助将不会颁发或支付.

如果学生未能满足他或她的行动计划或总体SAP要求的条款, he or she is not eligible for federal student aid. 在学生再次符合SAP标准之前,该学生将保持不合格.  These students may continue to attend college at their own expense.



学生可以在学术成功主任的批准下制定学术计划, and with the Student 财务规划 Office. Based on approved forward-progress goals, 学业取得满意成绩者,可获批准申请经济资助,并重新给予资助. The following procedure is required is separate from academic procedures.

  1. 应制定学术计划和申诉信(如上所述),并在学期的第二周结束时发送给学生财务规划主任,学生的SAP(满意的学术进步)试用期开始. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the institution.
  2. 学生满意的学业进展将在每个学期/付款期结束时进行审查,以确保取得进步并达到学业目标. In the event the academic plan goal is not reached, the student will not be permitted to receive Title IV funding. The Director will review the appeal and notify the student accordingly.

Re-establishing Satisfactory Progress

To have financial assistance reinstated, 学生必须花费所需的时间使他们达到标准,费用自理.

Appeal Process for Financial Assistance Extension

如学生在正常学期内转专业或遇到特殊情况,可经学生财务计划办公室批准延长学期. 佩尔助学金仅限于获得第一个本科学位的学生,并有教育部规定的终身资格上限. 机构奖学金和助学金最多限于八个学期. State grants are limited to eight semesters. 未完成的课程将不被计算,直到课程完成,最终成绩出现在注册办公室的成绩单上.

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